What Is A Roadshow Organization? How to Organize a Roadshow to Bring High Efficiency

Organize a roadshow, also known as a product demonstration. This is a marketing way for your business to reach customers extremely effectively. Your business is having difficulty organizing a roadshow. Your business wants to promote itself in the market and penetrate the market but does not have the experience to do so effectively. Let HoaBinh Events support your business.

What is a roadshow?

A roadshow is a form of promoting a brand’s products by bringing them to the public on the streets. This is an extremely effective form that is widely applied in the field of marketing. Especially for businesses with the goal of promoting sales in the market.

A roadshow is an event that takes place on the road to different locations to introduce a new product, service, or program, usually organized by companies or organizations to help them reach potential customers and increase the market for their products. Roadshows can also help organizations provide consulting and support to customers and provide opportunities for investors to learn about new projects or products.

Purpose of organizing roadshow

There are many ways to bring a newly launched product to customers quickly and effectively. Such as organizing a product launch ceremony, an opening ceremony, etc. And organizing a roadshow is also one of the forms chosen by many businesses. Because roadshows can reach customers directly, they generate curiosity and attention from potential customers.

The effectiveness of the Roadshow format

  • It attracts the public’s attention with eye-catching effects such as: uniformity in costumes, means of transportation, colors, etc.
  • Makes brand recognition easy.
  • Leave an extremely effective impression on customers.
  • Optimize advertising costs.

Popular forms of organizing Roadshows

Depending on the purpose and needs of each business, there will be different ways to choose an organizational form. There are two popular forms today: bicycle roadshows and motorbike roadshows.

Bicycle roadshow


Running a roadshow by bicycle is chosen by many businesses because:

  • Save costs for businesses.
  • Moving at a slow speed helps customers easily recognize the brand.
  • Attract attention longer.
  • Does not waste fuel and protects the environment.


  • There must be relay points.
  • The route is interrupted because you have to take time to rest.

Motorcycle roadshow


  • Promote the brand in a wider range.
  • Easy to hang banners.
  • No effort.


  • Costs a lot.
  • Moving speed is fast, making it difficult for pedestrians to observe.

Basic steps when organizing a roadshow

Roadshow is a form of outdoor brand promotion favored by many businesses. However, organizing this event is not a simple job and can be risky at any time. Here are the basic steps to building a successful roadshow.

Choose execution time

Bad weather is taboo when organizing roadshows. Therefore, if it rains on the day scheduled to hold the roadshow, it must be postponed and held on another day. Therefore, before scheduling a roadshow, you need to pay attention to forecasts and not plan too far ahead.

Route design

The roads the roadshow team travels through must be large, busy streets with many people traveling. Depending on the means of transportation such as bicycles, motorbikes, and cars, different length and short routes can be designed. For roads that are often congested, you should avoid coming here during rush hours because it can hinder pedestrians and cause police whistles.

Ask for permission

Applying for a roadshow license is often quite difficult. The organizing committee needs to go to the Department of Culture and Information to apply for a permit. In addition, when moving within the ward or district, you also need to contact in advance to notify the competent authority there. Avoid being fined or asked to stop while moving, causing the event to be interrupted.


Personnel participating in the event are usually PGs and PBs with good looks and hard work. This is a quite strenuous activity and requires a guaranteed progress, so when choosing, priority should be given to those with experience. In addition, when arranging, you should also arrange extra people to be able to replace in case of need.

Event deployment

After careful preparation, organizing the event is the last step to do. During the group’s activities, there is always a team following to promptly assist in cases such as: being detained by traffic police, exhausted PG, vehicle breakdown…

The cost of implementing the roadshow program is not small. Therefore, the preparation and implementation process must be planned very clearly and carefully. Because if the program is not successful, not only will it not achieve the desired effect but it will also have a negative impact on the business and brand.

Plan to organize an effective roadshow

To achieve high efficiency, there must be a professional and flexible organizational plan. Of course, achieving this requires an event organizer with a lot of experience and expertise in the profession. First of all, we will help your business:

Determine the goals your business wants to achieve

  • Develop roadmaps and implementation plans consistent with set goals.
  • Localize and determine potential customer gathering locations to achieve high efficiency.
  • Choose a convenient time.
  • Develop vision and strategy in choosing routes and locations.

Plan your organization

  • Develop eye-catching, creative and eye-catching advertising content to attract the public.
  • Design and divide time to take place effectively and reasonably.
  • Prepare flexible solutions when problems occur.

Apply for a license to organize a Roadshow

For the plan to go smoothly, your business is required to have an advertising license from the Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. As follows:

Place of resolution: Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The application for a roadshow license includes:

  1. Application for advertising license
  2. Copy of Business Registration Certificate
  3. Copies of documents proving the conformity of goods with standards and techniques
  4. Color printed product advertising sample with signature and stamp
  5. Advertising of goods and services in the fields of health and agriculture must have specific documents
  6. Advertising goods and services on boards, signs, and banners must be licensed by the Department of Construction.

Number of documents: 1 set

Processing time: 5 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid documents.

The procedure for applying for a license is quite cumbersome. Therefore, please contact us immediately so that your licensing procedure goes smoothly without worrying about any problems. To be able to organize a roadshow to achieve optimal efficiency without spending too much money and time, your business needs a professional and flexible team.

With experience working for many big brands, HoaBinh Events is confident in helping businesses achieve high efficiency in promoting their brands through modern roadshow advertising. For any detailed information, please contact our hotline: 0939.311.911 – 0913.311.911 for dedicated support.